
Configure Routings

Routings in NetSuite, or in any manufacturing context, refers to a sequence of operations or steps that a product must go through during the manufacturing process. These steps can include various operations such as assembly, machining, laser and inspection.

Routing limitation (at time of writing): For the NetSuite module, SharpSync only adds routings to BOMs that do NOT ALREADY have routings. This is to prevent overwriting existing manufacturing processes which may have been defined already. Please engage us for upgrading this functionality should you have need for it.

Step 1: Manufacturing operation

To configure routings for Netsuite in Sharpsync, add at least 1 property mapping with the setting enabled:

For the property operationStep use the settings:

Setting Value
Primary source Property (Unmapped)
Secondary source Property (Unmapped)
Is Manufacturing Operation Yes
Is Manufacturing Step No
Rendering Type Advanced List
List Display Selector name
List Value Selector value
List Items See List items for Operation Step and Finding the location IDs

List items for Operation Step

    "name" : "Location - Inhouse",
    "value" : {
        "name": "SharpSync routing via rest",
        "subsidiary": { "id": 1 },
        "location": { "items": [ { "id": 5 }] }
    "name" : "Location - External",
    "value" : {
        "name": "SharpSync routing via rest",
        "subsidiary": { "id": 1 },
        "location": { "items": [ { "id": 6 }] }

Finding the location IDs

To find your available location ids you can simply select Financial > Lists > Locations, and then grab the INTERNAL ID.

For the more technical users, use POSTMAN to authenticate, then

/GET https://[companyId]

and then followup with

/GET https://[companyId]{id}

Step 2: Manufacturing operation steps

Operation steps are groupings of steps performed on an operation. Say you have a default set of steps for an assembly. Let’s say it’s to be powdercoated, cut, galvanized, then you’ll want setup the steps accordingly (let’s call this Set 1):

You mileage may vary, but the default items required for setting up a routing are:

Routing requirements

This leads us to a json array body that looks something like the following:

    "operationsequence": 10,
    "operationName": "10 - Cutting",
    "manufacturingCostTemplate": { "id": 6 },
    "manufacturingWorkCenter": { "id": 48 },
    "setupTime": 5,
    "runRate": 1
    "operationName": "20 - Galvanize",
    "operationsequence": 20,
    "manufacturingCostTemplate": { "id": 6 },
    "manufacturingWorkCenter": { "id": 48 },
    "setupTime": 5,
    "runRate": 1
    "operationName": "30 - Powdercoat",
    "operationsequence": 30,
    "manufacturingCostTemplate": { "id": 6 },
    "manufacturingWorkCenter": { "id": 48 },
    "setupTime": 5,
    "runRate": 1,
    "lagType" : { "id" : "qtypercent"},
    "lagAmount" : 50

However for a different type of assembly you might not require the cutting part as that is subcontracted out, so you have a different set of steps (Let’s call this Set 2):

    "operationName": "10 - Galvanize",
    "operationsequence": 10,
    "manufacturingCostTemplate": { "id": 6 },
    "manufacturingWorkCenter": { "id": 48 },
    "setupTime": 5,
    "runRate": 1
    "operationName": "20 - Powdercoat",
    "operationsequence": 20,
    "manufacturingCostTemplate": { "id": 6 },
    "manufacturingWorkCenter": { "id": 48 },
    "setupTime": 5,
    "runRate": 1

You can group both of these “sets of steps” in an object list as follows:

    "name" : "Set 1 - Cut, Galv, Powder",
    "value" : [] // "{paste the values from set 1}",
    "name" : "Set 2 - Galv, Powder", 
    "value" : [] // "{paste the values from set 2}",

You then add this list as a list of values for a property mapping as follows:

Setting Value
Primary source Property (Unmapped)
Secondary source Property (Unmapped)
Is Manufacturing Operation No
Is Manufacturing Step Yes
Rendering Type Advanced List
List Display Selector name
List Value Selector value

You can now save this mapping and load a bom to see the results in a BOM that was loaded.

Selecting routing combinations

Take note that there are some limitations imposed by Netsuite that must be followed. In the example shown above you cannot have lagTime at the middle of the list of steps, only at the end

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