
Advanced BOMs

Advanced BOMs are Netsuite’s way of keeping track of bill of materials (BOM) snapshots. You can think of an advanced BOM as the revision of a BOM at a certain point in time

Using advanced BOMs

There are some limitation with the use of advanced BOMs via the API. For this reason (at the time of writing), we make use of a custom script to create advanced BOMS

Server side scripting uses a script in Netsuite to set field values. The important bit to take note of here is that the itemInjectionScriptId needs to be configured (see below).

To use serverside scripting to create items, in SharpSync do the following under Data Sources:

Major steps

Setup the server side script

In Netsuite, create a new script for SharpSync to use (example at the bottom)

You are now done configuring the script in Netsuite. The next step is to use this ID in the setup of the script in SharpSync.

Configure SharpSync to use server side scripting

Server side scripting allows SharpSync to configure fields in NetSuite that are not available via the REST api.

A custom script example follows below. You can certainly modify this to your heart’s content, but the overarching details are captured here

Before uploading to Netsuite, save the below contents to a *.js file. See the example called Example script

Configure Routings

Routing in NetSuite, or in any manufacturing context, refers to a sequence of operations or steps that a product must go through during the manufacturing process. These steps can include various operations such as assembly, machining, laser and inspection.

There is a dedicated page to configure routings

.. Back to NetSuite

Example script

  Created for

 * @NApiVersion 2.x
 * @NScriptType Restlet
 * @param {string} assemblyId
define(['N/record', 'N/search', 'N/log', 'N/encode', 'N/error'], function (record, search, log, encode, error) {

  const itemTypes_e = {
    INVENTORY_ITEM: 'inventoryItem',
    NON_INVENTORY_ITEM: 'nonInventoryItem',
    NON_INVENTORY_RESALE_ITEM: 'nonInventoryResaleItem',
    NON_INVENTORY_PURCHASE_ITEM: 'nonInventoryPurchaseItem',
    ASSEMBLY_ITEM: 'assemblyItem'

      SharpSync always uses the following appState to confirm validity
      X-APPLICATION => header naming the application
      X-USERID => header naming the user (uuid)
      X-ORG_ID => header naming the organization
  function get(context) {

    validateAppState(context.appState, encode, error)

      title: 'gettingRecord',
      details: context

    if (context.recordId) {
      var requestedRecord = record.load({
        type: "nonInventoryResaleItem",
        id: context.recordId,
        isDynamic: true

      return {
        expAcc: requestedRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'expenseaccount' }),
        incAcc: requestedRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'incomeaccount' }),
        itemDetails: requestedRecord

    // Check any /GET query parameters here with context.{parameterName}
    if (! {
      throw error.create({
        name: 'MISSING_NAME',
        message: 'Missing required argument: item name',
        notifyOff: true

    return { name:, itemDetails: itemDetails };

  /* SharpSync always uses the following headers to confirm:
     X-APPLICATION => header naming the application
     X-USERID => header naming the user (uuid)
     X-ORG_ID => header naming the organization
  function post(context) {

    /* TODO: Remove log.debug({ title: 'POST body', details: context }); */
    validatePostRequestItemType(context, error, log);

    var itemRecord = CreateItemFromContext(context, record, log);

      title: 'Item record',
      details: itemRecord
    setCustomerSpecificDefaultValues(itemRecord, context.itemType);

    var itemId =;
    var serializedItemRecord = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(itemRecord));
    // must parse. For some reason when accessing it directly you get null
    return {
      applicationName: context.applicationName,
      sharpsyncId: context.sharpsyncId,
      organizationId: context.organizationId,
      itemId: itemId,
      destinationTypeRequested: context.itemType,
      baseRecordTypeName: serializedItemRecord.fields.baserecordtype || "unknown",
      url: '/services/rest/record/v1/' + serializedItemRecord.fields.baserecordtype + '/' + itemId + '/?expandSubResources=true'

  return {
    get: get,
    post: post

function CreateItemFromContext(context, record, log) {

  var itemRecord;
  var isDynamic = true;

  switch (context.itemType) {
    case "inventoryitem":
      itemRecord = record.create({ type: record.Type.INVENTORY_ITEM, isDynamic: isDynamic });
    case "assemblyitem":

        title: 'Context.itemMethod',
        details: context.itemMethod

      if (context.itemMethod == "createBomLink") {
        linkBomToAssemblyItem(context, record);
      else {
        itemRecord = record.create({ type: record.Type.ASSEMBLY_ITEM, isDynamic: isDynamic });

    case "noninventoryresaleitem":
      itemRecord = record.create({ type: record.Type.NON_INVENTORY_ITEM, isDynamic: isDynamic });
      itemRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'subtype', value: 'resale' });
    case "noninventorypurchaseitem":
      itemRecord = record.create({ type: record.Type.NON_INVENTORY_ITEM, isDynamic: isDynamic });
      itemRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'subtype', value: 'purchase' });
    case "bom":
      itemRecord = createBomFromContext(context, record);
      throw error.create({
        name: 'INVALID_ITEM_TYPE',
        message: 'Invalid item type (' + context.itemType + '), must be one of {inventoryitem|assemblyitem|noninventoryresaleitem|noninventorypurchaseitem|bom}',
        notifyOff: true

    fieldId: 'itemid',
    value:, // Change this to the actual item name

  return itemRecord;

function linkBomToAssemblyItem(context, record) {
  var bomRecord = record.load({
    type: record.Type.BOM,
    id: context.bomId,
    isDynamic: true

  var assemblyItemRecord = record.load({
    type: record.Type.ASSEMBLY_ITEM,
    id: context.assemblyItemId,
    isDynamic: true

    fieldId: 'billofmaterials',
    value: context.bomId

    fieldId: 'billofmaterialsrevision',
    value: context.bomRevisionId

// These values are customized per customer implementation
// You would set your default values here for values that are not exposed through the API
// At the time of writing, it was not possible to set the taxSchedules for type inventoryItem
function setCustomerSpecificDefaultValues(itemRecord, destinationType) {

    fieldId: 'taxschedule',
    value: 2,

    fieldId: 'costcategory',
    value: 4,

  // value below can be any of {Purchase|Resale|Sale}
  if (destinationType === "noninventoryresaleitem") {
      fieldId: 'subtype',
      value: 'resale'

      fieldId: 'incomeAccount',
      value: 54

      fieldId: 'expenseAccount',
      value: 616


function getValidTaxSchedules() {

  var types = Object.keys(search.Type);
  var taxTypes = types.filter(function (type) {
    return type.toLowerCase().indexOf('tax') !== -1;

    title: 'Searchable tax types',
    details: taxTypes

  var taxScheduleSearch = search.create({
    type: search.Type.TAX_TYPE,
    columns: ['internalid']

  var taxSchedules ={
    start: 0,
    end: 10

  return taxSchedules;

function decodeBase64(base64String, encode) {
  // Decode the Base64 string using N/encode module
  var decodedString = encode.convert({
    string: base64String,
    inputEncoding: encode.Encoding.BASE_64,
    outputEncoding: encode.Encoding.UTF_8
  return decodedString;

function validateApplicationName(applicationHostName, error) {
  if (applicationHostName !== '' && applicationHostName !== 'localhost') {
    throw error.create({
      message: 'Invalid application',
      notifyOff: true

function validateSharpSyncId(sharpsyncId, error) {
  if (!sharpsyncId) {
    throw error.create({
      message: 'Missing SharpSync Id',
      notifyOff: true

function validateOrganizationId(organizationId, error) {
  if (!organizationId) {
    throw error.create({
      name: 'MISSING_ORG_ID',
      message: 'Missing organization id',
      notifyOff: true

function validateAppState(base64String, encode, error) {

  const jsonString = decodeBase64(base64String, encode);
  const jsonObject = JSON.parse(jsonString);

  validateApplicationName(jsonObject['applicationName'], error);
  validateSharpSyncId(jsonObject['sharpsyncId'], error);
  validateOrganizationId(jsonObject['organizationId'], error);

function validatePostRequestPrereqs(requestBody, error) {
  validateApplicationName(requestBody['applicationName'], error);
  validateSharpSyncId(requestBody['sharpsyncId'], error);
  validateOrganizationId(requestBody['organizationId'], error);

function validatePostRequestItemType(context, error, log) {

  if (context.itemType !== "inventoryitem" && context.itemType !== "assemblyitem" && context.itemType !== "noninventoryresaleitem" && context.itemType !== "bom" && context.itemType !== "bom") {
      title: 'Invalid item type',
      details: 'Invalid item type (' + context.itemType + '), must be one of {inventoryitem|assemblyitem|noninventoryresaleitem|noninventorypurchaseitem|bom}',
      notifyoff: true

    throw error.create({
      name: 'INVALID_ITEM_TYPE',
      message: 'Invalid item type (' + context.itemType + '), must be one of {inventoryitem|assemblyitem|noninventoryresaleitem|noninventorypurchaseitem|bom}',
      notifyOff: true

function createBomFromContext(context, record) {
  var itemRecord = record.create({
    type: record.Type.BOM,
    isDynamic: true,
    includechildren: true,
    usecomponentyield: true,

  // set the subsidiary 
    fieldId: 'subsidiary',
    value: 1,

  for (var key in context) {
    if (itemRecord.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
        fieldId: key,
        value: context[key]

  return itemRecord;